2022 Conference Schedule
Click For Full Program
Day 1: Thursday, October 13th
9:00am - 10:30am - Opening Remarks and Keynote Speakers (virtual and in-person options)
10:30am - 11:00am - Coffee Break (virtual and in person)
Travel break (30 minutes)
11:30am - 12:30pm - Session 1 (Attendees will choose one)
- Hidden Biases in Volunteer Management with Susan Sanow, CVA
- Be the kind of leader you want to follow! with Ali Starr
- Beyond the 3 Rs - How the ABCs and Rs of Volunteer Engagement Work Together with Traci Lato-Smith, CVA
- News Overload and its Effect on Mental Health with Bobbie D'Addario
12:45pm - 1:45pm - Session 2 (Attendees will choose one)- Supporting Volunteers in Times of Stress and Trauma with Laura McArthur
- Introduction to the CVA Credential with Lisa Marie Mooney, MA, CVA
- From Assessment to Onboarding - Laying the Foundation for Volunteer Engagement with Traci Lato-Smith, CVA
- The Young and Restless - Re-Think How You Can and Should Engage Youth as Volunteers with Kelly Streck
Day 2: Friday, October 14th
9:00am - 9:30am Virtual Networking - breakout rooms: share what we learned from yesterday
9:30am - 10:30 am - Session 3 (Attendees will choose one)- One of us: Establishing volunteer culture throughout your organization with Lauren Rolfe
- Transforming Disruption to Impact with Beth Steinhorn
- Volunteers United with Steven Buchanan, Christina Perea, & Jillian Allison
- Centering Youth in Your Volunteer Strategies with Emily Dobish, María Islas-Lopez, & Chris Rios
10:45am - 11:45 am - Session 4 (Attendees will choose one)- Communication Tactics for Elevating Volunteer Engagement with Karen Reid
- Neurodiversity in Volunteerism with Sarah Philippe
- Managing Challenging Volunteer Situations with Betsy McFarland
- Restructuring Councils and Auxiliaries – A Story of Change Management with Justine Gregory Dodson & Beth Steinhorn
Travel break (30 minutes)
12:15pm - 12:30 pm - Closing Remarks & What’s Next (virtual and in-person options)
12:30pm- 1:30pm - Lunch Networking (virtual and in person)
For any questions about the conference, please contact Conference Chair, Allison Waldvogel, CVA @ dovia.ccov@gmail.com