
Looking for educational, networking, or professional development opportunities?
Check out our Education Calendar!

We have incredible Education Sessions and Training Opportunities happening across the state, year round.

To Register:

1) Visit our Calendar to learn about upcoming Education Sessions

2) Click on the event title and follow prompts to register

2) Learn, share, grow, and enjoy!

For additional questions about DOVIA Colorado's Education and Training Programs, please contact us at

Experience the difference our education sessions can make in your professional development!  Whether you need to maximize new technologies, learn the basics of recruitment, recognition, and retention, or find ways to expand and diversify your volunteer program, you are certain to find sessions that will support and enhance your current volunteer program.

We are committed to offering relevant education and training opportunities to our community of volunteer management professionals. From those who are new to the field to seasoned veterans, these education sessions are facilitated by subject matter professionals and cover a variety of topics, providing opportunities to meet colleagues, build your network, troubleshoot current challenges, and celebrate successes. Our education sessions are open to anyone working in nonprofit organizations, community groups, government agencies, service organizations, and the for-profit sector. Volunteers themselves can gain knowledge from these sessions as well!
Education sessions are free for DOVIA Colorado members, non-members pay a small fee for attending.
                                                                                                        Join us today and transform your career.

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Of course, there is some time in between Education Sessions, and while we might feel overrun with social media these days, DOVIA Colorado offers a LinkedIn group and a Facebook page where substantive conversations can take place.  Pose a question to your colleagues, answer another colleague's request, and watch for job openings, upcoming trainings, and new resources from experts in the field of Volunteer Engagement.

Our annual Colorado Conference on Volunteerism (CCOV) is the professional development event of the year!

The CCOV provides the opportunity to meet colleagues from across Colorado, interact with cutting edge trainers and speakers, and learn what it means to be a top-notch volunteer engagement professional.


* We do try to take public photos at all of our events to use for Facebook and on this website. 
Please let us know in advance if you've registered for an event but prefer to not be in a photo.  Thanks!